The tavern app is for you.

For Tavern to be a success, it doesn't have to have thousands of users. It's needs a few dozen, in your town. That's it. People are looking for games are varying points in their lives. After groups fall apart, a move, children growing up, or just a hope to return to a fun moment when they were younger, people find games again and again. I believe the LGS to be a critical part of that cycle. In my own store, I heard more stories than I can possibly recount, and I'm sure you have too. 

I just can't find anyone to play with...

Ever heard that one? Now you have a pat answer for every customer who's ever lamented why they can't justify buying that new RPG or board game. Tavern is here to remove that complication and provide a bare-bones, single mission app to connect people with the folks who share their interests. All you have to say is there's an app for that and point them to the download link. Grab a poster, make your own, or just print out a QR code and hide it behind the counter. Whatever makes sense to you for your store.

Setting up Your Store

8.5x11 portrait poster.pdf
8.5x11 landscape poster.pdf

On the off chance you somehow found a graphic designer better than moi... Make your own poster!