Here's an outline for how you can use a database to organize your RPG games and keep everyone on the same page!

What is Airtable?

Airtable is a web-based database with incredible power considering that you do not need any programming knowledge to use it. When it comes to organizing an RPG and sharing notes with your players, the free version has all the power you need! 

Using Airtable as a

Journal for your RPGs

Why use a database program rather than use another program or website specifically designed for RPGs? Everyone is different. In their effort to be comprehensive, many apps fail for most people who want a simple organizational tool. Even so, no matter how comprehensive the tool, it may not cover all the bases for others. 

So, build the base you want to work with. Here are three you can use as an outline for your home game. Tweak them to your liking! You will find that different games call for different styles of base even. One-shots might benefit from having a few NPCs for quick-reference, while a lengthy campaign could definitely use comprehensive details and a session log.

Hopefully you find this a useful tool and share your results with the rest of the community.

Quick Reference

This base is for those who want a reliable note-taking tool that can be shared with the group. More organized than a shared doc, but not any harder to update. Keep it simple, add more if you need more!

The sample scenario, Flesh Wounds, is a short but brilliant "one-shot" for Call of Cthulhu written by Pete Burgess. The amazing character art presented in this scenario will help your players keep the diverse cast straight while they investigate the strange goings on at Miskatonic University in 1927.

You can grab a copy of Flesh Wounds on DriveThruRPG and see more of Sumit Roy's artwork at ScorpyDesigns

Have a scenario you'd like to see included here? Let me know!